Business Sector
Oceanographic Survey/Exploration
It is used for various fields, including surveys of
ideal places for artificial fishing banks and facility status,
harbor design and construction, investigations such
as to find buried bodies, resources and to investigate
sea-bed status, Harbor surveys. -
Marine Physical
It is used for basic data for flow pattern research, harbor design, tidal current forecasts and determination of the
basic sea levels. -
Maritime Ecology/Environment
We provide various information necessary for maritime ecology monitoring, and to survey the effects on the
maritime environment, and Agreement on the Utilization
of Sea Areas. -
Geodetic Survey
Contributing to accurate construction by providing basic
data for economical design and construction, and creating new solutions through GIS DB/SW development based on geographic information. -
Stream and Beach Survey
It can be used for stream dredging work and river bed
surveys and beach surveys.